Luckily though I wasn’t doing the Two Breweries. Done it once and that’s more than enough thanks all the same.
No. All I had planned for Saturday was a brisk 9 miler prior to going out [Christmas] shopping for the day.
Sunday though saw me a bit more in proper LSD mode and, after a nice breakfast and an episode of Breaking Bad, I tootled off for a long run and a bit of a ponder on how easy would it really be to "cook up" some crystal meth? Don't like my work and I'm currently looking for a career change.
Ran towards Stenton, via Burnhead etc. before heading back via the “Chicken Farm”, Dunbar and the cycle path that goes along by the cement works. Added a wee bit on at Innerwick, as it looked as though the run was going to be far too short. Even allowing for that it still ended up just a fraction under 22. To be honest there were two reasons I added a wee bit on at this point… 1. The run was going to be too short without it…and 2. I was pretty sure that if I’d ran the way I was originally planned I was going to get a telling off from the guys in the police car who’d sat and watched me crossing a dual carriageway with a central reservation barrier. See?? There's me considering a career as a drug pusher and in reality I'm worried about getting a row for crossing the road - it's not going to work for me, is it?
I had hoped that It was going to be closer to 24 and, unlike last week, a large wave of “can’t be arsedness” swept over me towards the end and prevented me from adding a 2 mile loop on at the end. Still, if time allows, I’ll try to get out for one more 22+ type run this weekend coming, then give a bit of thought to the dreaded taper.
What I will have to give a bit of thought to is the purchase of yet another pair of shoes. Jeeze – I’m lucky to get three months out of a pair just now. I really like the support and cushioning I get from the Saucony Pro Guide 4 – but the uppers are complete crap. I seem to end up with holes in them in no time. Maybe a bit close to the mara’ though to be trying out new models and styles.