Wednesday, 28 April 2010


Life here, midway through "planet holiday" is bimbling along rather splendidly.
Even yesterday's visit to Edinburgh - a strange event for me indeed while on "R&R" saw me coming home six albums richer. A result indeed, and something to while away some of the non running hours that remain.

Went out for a 19 mile circuit this morning that took in the windfarms, the road that runs along Whiteadder Resevoir before heading back over the Lammermuirs again. VERY windy to start with and the pace was greatly reduced because of this.

As I've maybe said the windfarms at the back of our bit are almost finished. But there is still some activity up there - and so, obviously, there are still some vehicles going about. At one point in the run (I think about four mile in) there is a mile uphill - it's uncomfortable at the best of times but into a head wind it was hell.
It might also explain why I didn't hear the transit van that was following me....
Eventually noticed it so I jumped into the side (after all they are working I was just out "playing"). It was as I jumped into the side that I noticed the van was a left had drive and the passenger on the right, a young bloke, was leaning out of the side window with a small video camera! I couldn't hear, because of the wind, what they shouted as they passed. It may have been "well done" or it may equally have been "have you not got anything better to do"!
Strange... but there you go. My training efforts recorded for posterity - or maybe I was trespassing and they wanted evidence !

A more sedate 12 miler tomorrow. Rest on Friday then the Edinburgh to North Berwick (if I can get in on Saturday).

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