Sunday, 17 April 2011


Couple of runs this weekend - with my poor little toes safely ensconced in a nice new pair of ASICS 2150's. Lovely.
Yesterday I did a [fairly] quick 10.5 mile route from our bit, down by Crowhill and back. It's a route I do a lot. It's fairly undulating and I just wanted to test out the new shoes.
Today, after a relaxing breakfast I started to watch the London Marathon.... but I couldn't really get into it this year. I like the marathon (though not, truth be told, London) and I know runners who are doing it. So why was I feeling so negative?
Probably because the BBC coverage is brilliant and awful in equal measures. Their coverage of the top runners race is really good... but once they are over the line they just seem to concentrate on the very back of the field and all the people dressed as bananas, rhinos and what nots. All very laudable and worthy, but they do tend to ignore the big chunk of club runners. Shame.
Also, the sun was out and it was a beautiful day. I thought my time would be better spent on my own LSD.
I'd reckoned on 21 mile today. But again lethargy kicked in. Not "physical" but mental lethargy. I just couldn't be arsed thinking out a twenty one mile route. The lazy solution? Yep. I did yesterdays ten and a half mile circuit ...twice!
On the plus side I was able to place a drinks bottle by the side of the road for a drink at "half way" without the bother of having to carry it.
On the down side? Pretty uninspiring really. Also, I'm used to trying to do that circuit at a certain speed. A speed that's not really conducive to LSD.

I shall watch the highlights of the marathon tonight.

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