Friday, 29 April 2011


Getting close to the end of my tenure on "planet time off" and it's pretty much "mission accomplished".
Haven't had a rest day in 14 days and I've managed 16 runs (18 if you count interval sessions). 75 mile last week and 90 this week.
Friday is normally a day of rest but I managed a nice 16 miles today. I did originally want to do 22 today - but last nights intervals just took a wee bit too much out of the legs.
Along to Oldhamstocks and back.
Started off cool, but as the run went on the mist burned off and the sun began to beat down a bit, making me regret my choice of a long sleeved top.
Still got a long weekend to go, but I think I will have a rest day tomorrow, then maybe a couple of 13 milers on Sunday and Monday. Then a moderate week and round it all off next weekend with the Edinburgh to North Berwick.

Missed all of the "excitement" on the telly this morning because of my run. Shame really as I've been getting a bit caught up in all the build up this past week or so. I was all excited to find out the details of "that dress".
What with them banging on so much about her being a "commoner", and all the talk about "austerity Britain" my money was on the dress coming from Primark or TK Max.

Still I shall celebrate in my own way. By listening to some music by that national treasure the "old Queen Mum". Yes indeed - the music of Elton John; recorded and improved by Steve Swallow, Gil Goldstein, Pietro Tonolo and Paul Motain.

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