Saturday, 14 May 2011


Last week wasn't TOO bad.... Well, work was shit as per...but that's par for the course. I'm talking about real life.
As I intended the E2NB was my last big push and I've started the dreaded taper. Mileage didn't drop that much really, but I've made a concerted effort to keep my heart rate firmly in the "green zone" and just bimble along (even Tuesday's club run was more sedate than usual).
This coming week though will see the mileage drop a bit and, who knows, I might even treat myself to two rest days rather than just the one! Don't really like when I drop my mileage - I always feel there should be a corresponding drop in my cake and biscuit intake (there usually isn't - but I feel there should be)!!
Getting a couple of niggles and twinges, but I'm pretty sure that's just psychological.
My number arrived in the post today, so other than have a moderately relaxing week, all I've got to do is drag my sorry butt to the start line a week tomorrow.
Probably spend the later half of this week keeping a keen eye on the weather forecast. The last two Edinburgh marathons have been unseasonably hot. Don't want that again.

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