Wednesday, 18 January 2012

WIND (And a Cat With No Taste)

As per usual last nights run with the club turned out to be an eyeballs out, lung buster.
So todays run was always going to be a more sedate affair anyway. Probably just as well thats what I intended as the wind put paid to any ideas of speed.
The route I do on a Wednesday seems to be particularly expossed to the wind - the slightest breeze seems to hit you, and it seldom seems to be in your favour. I think that the prevailing wind is westerly and our bit just lies at the end of a funnel created by the Lammermuirs...Maybe. Or maybe I'm clutching at straws, looking for an excuse for a crap run.
I'm sure its all good training......just not fun.

FINDINGS: Did Fatso the cat dig the new Red Rodney CD? Did he feck....did a runner about twenty seconds into the first track. No taste.

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