Monday, 12 November 2012


Bit of a disjointed LSD run this weekend.
Up fairly early on Sunday and ran down to Whitesands (about 5.5 miles), had a quick recce of the XC course for next weekend (about 4.5) then ran back (another 5.5). Beautiful day and the lighthouse, as usual, looked very striking.
Problem was it didn’t feel like a 15.5 mile run because the 4.5 mile section in the middle was a bit stop/start as I had to check out the route. A couple of changes since last time. For some reason they’ve fenced bits off down there and put livestock in to graze (sheep).
Luckily they (the “cooncil”) have put in various gates and stiles so the fencing isn’t too problematic – in truth a couple of gates and/or stiles only adds to the “cross country” feel!. They’ve also given us the all clear to run the races through the livestock enclosures.
The gates and stiles aren’t that obvious and easily missed. I saw one couple out on mountain bikes, simply give up looking, lift their bikes over then climb over the fence. Can’t see a wire fence lasting that long with that sort of treatment.

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