Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Saturday saw us head off into Edinburgh for the best part of the day and, given that we commute into "the toon" 5 days a week anyway, that's not something we do very often.
But we were off to the Foodies Festival at Inverleith Park.
Great fun. If your unfamiliar with the concept of a "Food Festival", but your a runner then the best way to describe is like a large marathon expo .............. but for fatties.
To be fair not everyone there was a fatty, but they certainly were well represented.
Stall upon stall of food producers, manufacturers, distributors and what not - all of whom seemed to be offering free samples of their produce.
I dread to think how much cake, chocolate, biscuits and cheese I ate while we were there. And for those who "indulge" there was a fair bit of free booze to be had as well.
Like a marathon expo, as well, not only were the producers there to show you things - no, no. They were there to sell them as well. Came away with a few things.
Anyhoo. Because we were "in Edinburgh anyway" we also popped along to Crammond and finally took part in our first Park Run.
Quite enjoyable. Very "quick" course. Very well organised and a massive field (425 !). Might be another three years or so before I get round to doing another one, but enjoyed it all the same.
Did an 18 mile LSD on Sunday to try and run off the excesses of the festival. Enjoyed that run too - though I did remember how frantic the normally quiet lanes round us can get at harvest time! About three times I had to dive off the road and into a hedge to get out of the way of a speeding tractor. These guys stop for no one!

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