Friday, 20 December 2013


Last nights club night was a good night. Instead of the usual intervals, "coach" Ian had promised us something "festive".
Hint's were given that a "quiz" of sorts would be involved. I must admit that I was a wee bit cynical (no change there then), and had visions of 400m intervals being punctuated by "Mastermind" type general knowledge questions. Or some sort of running based derivative of "Pointless".
It was neither. Each participant was given a list of questions all with a Dunbar theme and we had to run around Dunbar to find the answers before heading back to hand in our sheets to quizmasters Ian and Frank.
You could find the answers in any order you wanted. So I spent a couple of minutes looking at the questions before heading off on my quest.
There were questions about the Bleachingfield, Belhaven Brewery, Black Agnes etc. etc. Anyway, I "planned" my route and headed off full of intentions about "not taking it too seriously"...... till I was about two minutes in and the old competitive chip kicked in.
All in all I think I maybe covered about 4 miles (wasn't wearing my GPS) and the pace wasn't too bad. Though constant stops to fill in my answer sheet kinda' broke the pace a bit.
Got back to Hallhill to find a few folk already back - so it was pretty obvious I hadn't won. And then found out I'd got an answer wrong anyway! Question - "What year did they start playing bowls at Dunbar Bowling Club?" - my answer 1913. No. That's when they started playing bowls at West Barns Bowling Club. Not only did I get the wrong answer I probably added about a mile on to my route just to get the wrong answer! Muppet.

Anyway. Good way to end the years club training.


NickWill75 said...

That sounds really good fun - shame I missed it because of a bloomin' carol concert!

Stuart said...

It was a good night Nick.
Though those who read the questions correctly AND had a local knowledge of some short cuts definitely had an advantage.