Thursday 5 December 2013


Tuesday’s club run was a bit longer than as of late.
A few of us decided to go to the “other side” of the A1 and try a nine mile run rather than the six mile town run. The idea being that if Sunday was a race (XC – Peebles), then Thursday is the monthly 5k handicap and next Sunday is the Festive Half there is little point in throwing a fast paced six miler into the mix, as the town run always turns out to be pretty close to race pace anyway.
My weekly mileage has been dropping a bit lately anyway, so even a slightly longer run was welcome. I don’t know why a drop in mileage should worry me – I don’t have anything major planned for a while - …but it does. I get used to doing about 60 miles a week in the summer, and when it suddenly drops away I feel a bit bereft.


Out for a run this morning at “daft o’clock”. The wind, while VERY blowy, was nowhere near as bad as the apocalyptic ferocity predicted by the weather man.
It never ceases to amaze me though to see so many daft buggers trying to use umbrellas in high winds like that! Even if they didn’t blow inside out, or crumple, as they so often do, the rain is coming at you horizontally anyway!
Strange that while I was buffeted and battered along by the wind and struggled at times to keep myself being blown off the pavement, I really enjoyed the run! It was perhaps the slowest time I’ve ever gotten for that short route (Leith to Seafield Roundabout and back) but that really didn’t matter. Normally along that route I pass quite a few other runners, loads of cyclists and quite a few walkers (with and without dogs). But this morning there were hardly any – and yet everyone I did pass seemed to be more eager to acknowledge each other this morning.

Must be getting into a [very slight] festive Ipod started playing Dexter Gordon "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" ............and I didn't press next!

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