Monday 9 December 2013


Got home on Friday……..and the power was on!!! Hurrah! AND – much more importantly my septic tank overflow pump hadn’t “tripped” and was still chuntering away quite happily.


Saturday morning brought some sad news though… Stan Tracey – the Godfather Of British Jazz, had passed away on Friday afternoon.
He was 86 and hadn’t been keeping well for some time.
So Saturday was a bit of a Stan Fest’ in our house. With my music player constantly playing some of my favourite Stan Tracey albums.
As some might know I’m not a huge fan of the modern habit of getting festive too early, but I made an exception and even gave last years “A Childs Christmas” a spin.
Sad to think there might never be a “new” Stan Tracey album to look forward to. However, with a bit of luck there might be some unreleased stuff out there.


Sunday was the club’s annual Festive Half and 10k runs, and I had, as usual, elected to give the half a bash.
The morning dawned dreech, windy and surprisingly mild. Conditions were not ideal.
Got down to Hallhill to be greeted by the sight of Santa, Mrs Claus and two reindeer already in the building ready to go. Great that so many turn up in fancy dress for this event (maybe next year).
The run itself was tough – VERY tough. Wind in our faces all the way out to the North Berwick road, then the long drag up to Lawhead.
At least on the way back I was able to push it a bit and get the pace up. 1:24:24 - happy with that.
After the race it was back into Hallhill for soup and sandwiches. Good fun.
Best bit about it? Well…as far as I’m concerned that is the last “hard effort” run I intend to do between now and Auld Years night, when I’m planning on doing the club’s Black Bun Run.
Up till then, and certainly over the holidays, I’m planning on distance, but at a nice easy pace. “Best laid plans” and all that.

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