Wednesday, 2 July 2014


OK unless you haven’t guessed…this blog is all but dead and buried.
It MIGHT come back at some point … or it may get posted to on the odd occasion when I feel I have something worth saying.
I just wanted to let you know as there is nothing worse than blogs that just die and wither on the vine. There is, for example, a blog that I myself follow, that details the writters attempts to quit and stay off the booze….. that hasn’t been updated since April now and…well you fear the worst don’t you.

However, I have not entirely given up on writing pish on t’internet and my musings can now be found on the “Book Of Faces” © where I have a "page". Simply point your internet machine towards!/stuart.hay.7927
There you will find my never ending words of love, admiration and respect for the tireless lads and lasses of the Scottish Civil Service, my hopes for a sunnier, happier Scotland under the benevolent, paternal care of Wee Eck and reviews of my favourite Heavy Metal and “Hip-Hop” combo’s.

Tara for now.



Neil said...

end of an era ?

Yak Hunter said...

Oh dear. I am miles behind in blog land. Don't go away forever. Facebook just isn't as good.