Monday, 8 February 2010

S. S. S.

Away down to Galashiels yesterday for another leg of the Borders Cross Country Series.
One or two slight changes to the course from the previous couple of years, but still a good un.
A couple of laps of a woodland walkway before heading out for a few hill climbs and a short spell up a muddy banking and through the woods before a short dash back along the path you set on.
During my, woefully inadequate, warm up I’d noticed that during the first couple of laps we had to cross a few duck-board type pathways and bridges. Quite narrow and they gave the place a bit of a sanitised “First World War Experience Theme Park” type feel. In reality I think these are placed there so that dog walkers don’t get their feet too dirty while they allow their lovely charges to be-spoil the woodland.
Anyway, from a runners point of view I saw them as potential bottlenecks and decided that the best way to avoid any jams was to try and get near the front early on…
All good in theory, but I think my early burst of effort cost me a bit in the later stages of the race.
Got in a wee group early on and just tried to hang in. Some of the climbs were real lung-busters and by the time we got to the home straight I was all in. Absolutely exhausted and sporting a frothy beard over my mouth and chin that consisted of the three “S”s – Sweat, Snot and Saliva!!
The route, apparently, clocked in at exactly five miles and I was fairly happy with my time of 34:22.
Strangely though this only gave me sixth place in my category. I say strange as I’ve only done three races so far in this series and in every one I’ve been sixth!
Perhaps I’ve just found my natural level.

1 comment:

Art, Love and Life said...

Hey Stuart,

Thanks for all the great tracks. Enough there to keep me happy for a long time.

