Yesterday was the Loch Leven Half Marathon. A race that I really enjoy and have done a few times.
However, being half way through my "taper" for the marathon next week I thought it best not to race.
Anne was though, as were a few others from the club, so I went along to spectate. Now - being on a taper doesn't mean no running at all, so I decided to don running gear - take a nice steady trot out to the three mile mark - take some photos - then trot back to the end to watch the runners coming in. A nice outing and a nice six and a bit mile run. "Simples".
Quite pleased with some of the pictures: (
Loch Leven is a really picturesque route but while, individually, none of the hills in it are too bad when you combine them all up its quite a testing one. Especially on a windy day like yesterday.
On the way home we took a slight detour to look at some "Art". Or to be more specific contemporary sculpture.
I really like a lot of contemporary sculpture, and I particularly like the work of Antony Gormley. I always get a kick out of the Angel Of The North when we are travelling down, or back up, the A1.
So, I was interested a few months ago now to learn that one of his newest pieces is being constructed close by in Macmerry just off the A1.
In fact this piece has been visible from the A1 for some time and it's been fascinating to get glimpses of it during it's construction (it is going to be dismantled into manageable pieces and shipped and then reassembled in Holland).
The piece is called "Exposure" and consists of a colossal 25.6m figure squatting.
It was strange to see it in this context. Obviously it isn't "in situ". I don't know where it will be placed (on a hill like the Angel?). At the moment, it's inside a fenced works yard surrounded by industrial storage boxes and crates and is also surrounded by girders (used during it's construction).
At the moment it looks trapped and caged. I couldn't help thinking of orange boiler suited figures in cages.
I'd like to think that once placed where it is ultimately intended it will give a sense of freedom and space.
I did find a photo of, what I assume is, a model of the finished thing. I think it looks wonderful.
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