Yesterday’s run was rather short and gentle, in keeping with my taper plan. Because I was working from home I was able to go out for a wee trot at lunchtime – only to come home to a large envelope through the door marked “Edinburgh Marathon”. My number, compuchip thingummy-jig, final details etc had arrived. Brings it all home and a bit more “immanent”.
Anyway, later on in the afternoon I was up the stairs (on the phone making a work related call). I happened to look outside, down by the back door where I had placed the clothes horse with some washing on it to dry – the sun having finally decided to make an appearance. Anyway, while I was making the call I noticed that one of the clothes horses was shaking.
Finished the call and went downstairs… Only to discover Fatso the cat rolling about, claws flapping wildly, shrouded in my favourite (and oldest) pair of Nike shorts that he had pulled off the lowest rung of the dryer!!
They were all catches in the inner linear and all covered in cat hairs!! Little sod got one hell of a fright when I opened the door and he scarpered pronto, dragging the beloved Nike’s half way along the garden with him! Ended up throwing them away. And they were only six years old!! Hardly even “worn in” yet!
I loved those shorts – even if there were certain marks that wouldn’t shift in a wash. They were a sort of “badge of honour” it was a six year accumulation of sweat and effort …… and I hope that cat catches something off it!!
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