Tuesday, 19 October 2010

"THIS IS NOT THE END"............

"THIS IS NOT THE END"............

“……It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Two nights of mouse free [in]activity in the kitchen. Can it last?

Haven’t got rid of it/them as such, but I think I did find the “point of entry”. It looks as though a gap left in our [ill]fitted kitchen was providing their raiding parties with an open door. I couldn’t understand why the food that was stolen was being dragged back to a particular corner until I lay on the floor for a “mouse-eye-view” and saw the gap.

Liberal use of foil and duct tape has blocked the offending gap.

So, as I say, no activity. So why am I not wholly happy? Well, for one thing the outer perimeter remains insecure. For them to even get as far as this breach in security, they have to get through the outside walls.

This small victory has at least made our veg’ secure – but the fight goes on!!!

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