Sunday, 17 October 2010


Did a nice steady 8 mile run yesterday.
Then today I ended up doing a 17 miler with Ian. Over by Harehead, then by Bothwell farm before heading back through the woods to the wind farm and back via Weatherly. Mostly on quiet roads, but a wee bit on forest trail and little used "works access roads"
Probably a wee bit slower than Ian would have gone at (though it was a hilly route and windy), but I was happy just to get out there and do a bit of a longer run again. Legs felt not exactly "race fit", but definitely getting better and the old "cardio-vascular-lung-what-nots" felt tickety-boo and I was able to chat quite comfortably all the way round. I felt a bit guilty as I was still a bit in "recovery mode" while Ian is still firmly fixed in "training mode" (he might have a mara' soon) and I didn't want to hinder his training, but he was able to add a bit on, when I ended back at my house, to take his total up to 23 and drop his average pace a bit as well.
I fancy going for the Jedburgh half at the end of October and then it's into cross country season, so I've nothing "big" lined up that I really need to train for. But I just want to try and get through the winter ideally maintaining my present level of fitness or at the very least not letting it slip too far. So I really don't want to let my weekly mileage drop too much.
That said. The dark nights are upon us so opportunities for long runs are diminishing, and while I enjoy doing the cross country on a Sunday it reduces the options for doing distance at the weekends.

Never happy. Or not for long anyway.

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